Coordinates for GPS navigation devices: 42° 38 '39,435" N 11° 59' 13,752" E
Bolsena lake has a strategic location, connected to main national airports. The nearest airports are: Roma Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) about 140 kilometers far – Roma Ciampino about 150 kilometers far - Florence about 180 kilometers far - Perugia about 90 kilometers far - On the websites above it is possible to get information about the airlines, the flight schedules and the possible transport connections between Bolsena and the airport.
If you reach Bolsena by car, you can take the highway or the provincial roads. From Autostrada del Sole (A1), exit to Orte tollbooth, continue for about 24 kilometers on Strada Umbro Casentinese From Autostrada del Sole (A1), exit to Orte tollbooth, take the freeway to Viterbo and then S.S. Cassia provincial road to Siena (30th + 30th kilometer) On Via Cassia, far 112 kilometers from Rome and Siena From Via Aurelia, exit to Montalto di Castro (60 kilometers) toward Canino, Valentano. From Viterbo take Via Cassia (30th kilometer)
NCC LANNAOCCA tel 338 9790846
ORVIETO TRANSFER tel 370 3181469
If you travel by train, the nearest stations are: Orvieto Station, 24 kilometers far Montefiascone – Zepponami Station, 6 kilometers far Viterbo Station, 30 kilometers far For more information about trains schedules you can visit the website of Ferrovie dello Stato – The train stations are connected to Bolsena by bus. For more information about schedules you can visit the following websites: – transport connections from the Orvieto Station Toll-free telephone number: Tel. 075 506 781 – transport connections from Montefiascone – Zepponami and Viterbo Stations Tel. 800 174 471 – 0761 251 572
Bolsena is well connected with COTRAL (Transport Company) – From all the places you can reach Bolsena (directly or with stopovers). From Rome: departure from Saxa Rubra Station with a stopover in Viterbo Toll-free telephone number: 800 174 471 – 0761 251 262 – From Orvieto: departure from Piazza Cahen and Piazzale FFSS Orvieto Scalo
Port of Civitavecchia is 85 kilometers far. If you travel by car, you can take SS1 Aurelia toward Grosseto from Civitavecchia, SS675 toward Viterbo, SS2 Cassia toward Siena.
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+39 0761.799923