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  • Small theater Cavour

    Located at about 150 meters from Piazza Matteotti, along Corso Cavour.

    Historical background
    It was a little municipal theater in 1830, thanks to the count Giovanni Cozza Luzi who contributes to its construction and set up. The Count, thanks to his painting skills, often painted the scenographies and gave theater lessons to his young fellow citizens. The scenographies were unforgettable for the people such as the direction of the Mysteries of Saint Christina (Misteri di Santa Cristina) in 1837, in which Giovanni showed all his skills and creativity.

    Current use
    Acting, concerts (piano available), matinées and various cultural conferences

    Capacity: 60 people

    For more information:
    Cultural Office of Bolsena (Ufficio Cultura Comune di Bolsena)
    Tel. +39 0761 795 317 – ufficiocultura@comune.bolsena.vt.it

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